Larry In Atlanta

(Although we say “Atlana” down here)

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How to lose weight and save money

Plate of pasta

Losing weight, it’s up to you how much you spend Just look at all the fad diets that promise you’ll lose weight: Keto, Paleo, Atkins, South Beach, Cabbage soup, Grapefruit, Whole 30. The list goes on. They promise you the world. Lose weight with no effort at all. You won’t believe how easy it is. […]

Mississippi House Hunters

House Hunting Shows After spending part of Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Larry watching a few of those HGTV shows about rich people looking for their log cabin / beach front / lake view /tiny house (you know the ones where the husband raises squirrels in the back yard and the wife bakes cookies to sell […]

How to buy a new car in four steps stress free

New cars

Four steps to buying a new car stress free Today I’m going to show you how to buy a new car in four steps with absolutely no stress.No sweating it out at a dealership hoping you’ll get approved for that shiny new beauty. We’ve all been there, well most of us anyway. Pulling into the […]

What impact will you have on someone’s life?

I got to wondering about the impact people have on others the other day at the drive-through teller line in Hapeville, Ga. There is a small side street that runs beside the bank. While I was sitting there a police officer on a motorcycle road by with his lights flashing followed by a white hearse […]

Hold On!

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