Larry In Atlanta

(Although we say “Atlana” down here)

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Learning to love the library. All over again.

The library has always been one of my favorite places. Starting in grammar school (that’s what we olders called elementary school), through high school, into college, and then of course the local public library. I could spend hours browsing books, looking for something to catch my eye.

Fast forward into the late 20th century and there was no need to actually be at the library in order to browse. The card catalog (kids, ask your grandparents) was all online. Reserve a book and go pick it up. Put a hold on one and it will be yours when available. Actually be able to borrow books from other libraries in the state, delivered to your library for you. All this was a great time saver.

Now into the 21st century and we don’t even have a need to physically go to the library. Reserve a digital copy of a book and return it when you’re finished. (I’m not going to get into the real vs digital book discussion except to say that I believe the words written are more important than the medium they’re written on)

All this is great and convenient, but sometimes I miss actually going to the library. The smell of books. I’m looking forward to retirement when I can have more time to spend at the library even if I don’t need to. Of course I’ll probably be sitting in the library reading a digital copy of a book that I borrowed online. That just doesn’t make sense, but hey, best of both worlds.

See ya at the library.


Hold On!

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