(Although we say “Atlana” down here)

The Braves are fun this year

Watching the Braves this year has been such a ride. Many come from behind victories. Three homers (one solo and 2 three run) last night against the Phillies, knocking them down to third place in the division. With the All-Star break coming up, it’s good to see them performing well, and more importantly, looking like […]

Baseabul bin belly belly gud 2 me.

Sitting here watching the Braves (7-4 over the Phillies in the 4th right now) and thinking how baseball has been my friend since I was a kid fine tuning my am radio to pull in Chicago or St Louis late at night. Sometimes in the fall I like to sit on the deck with an […]

Whatever patriotic is, this ain’t it

This the type of thing you see all the time, especially on holidays like Independence Day (The 4th of July is just a date). From the US Flag Code: “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed […]

Wait What?

For those of you that read my ramblings at ThatWeirdUncle.com, well that site no longer exists. This is the replacement. Why the change? Well. I’ve been That Weird Uncle since 2008, and I just figured it was time to move the cheese around. I was trying to think of a name but I couldn’t come […]

Hold On!

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